Blue Ridge Marathon Brings Largest Economic Impact to Date

More racers from out of town brought more money into the Roanoke Region's economy during the fifth annual Foot Levelers Blue Ridge Marathon, half marathon and Anthem Star 10K. "America's Toughest Road Marathon" hosted 1,594 runners who generated over $521,000 in economic impact according to a new report released by the Roanoke Regional Partnership. Over the past five years, the race has contributed more than $2 million to the local economy.

The economic impact is larger this year as a result of increased participation by runners from outside the Roanoke Region. The race drew runners from 38 states plus the District of Columbia -- and six countries: Australia, Canada, Czech Republic, Germany, Italy and Switzerland. 

The race course started in downtown Roanoke and climbed to the top of Mill Mountain and Roanoke Mountain along sections of the Blue Ridge Parkway for a total elevation change of 7,430 feet.