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RVAR / MLS Office Closing

The RVAR / MLS Office is closed beginning Tuesday, March 24th. RVAR is committed to the health and safety of our members and staff. Staff will continue to serve members by working remotely. Staff will be available online 9AM-4PM M-F.

The RVAR / MLS Office will be OPEN on Wednesdays, 1:00-4:00PM for lockbox, fob and Realtor Store purchases. 

As the situation evolves, any update to this schedule will be promptly posted. Posted 3/24/2020

RVAR Cancellations Through May 4th

RVAR is committed to the health and safety of our members. We also want to reinforce our collective responsibility as good neighbors and citizens by helping to contain the spread of the coronavirus.

RVAR President Walter Grewe and CEO Laura Benjamin have cancelled all on-site and off-site RVAR classes, events and Committee meetings through Monday, May 4th. Most local Associations in Virginia, along with the State Association, have taken similar actions. Every effort will be made to reschedule as many classes and meetings as possible.

At this time, RVAR plans to remain open as usual, 8:00AM-4:30PM, to continue to serve our members. However, this is a fluid situaiton. RVAR will communicate any changes in RVAR's operation or further cancellations as quickly as possible. Posted 3/19/2020.

RVAR Cancels Classes

RVAR is committed to the health and safety of our members and staff.

In light of the Governor's cancellation of all Virginia schools for at least two weeks, RVAR has cancelled the classes scheduled through the end of March. We will make every effort to reschedule these classes later in the year.

RVAR plans to remain open as usual, 8:00AM-4:30PM, to continue to serve our members. However, this is a fluid situation; please stay tuned for any further changes. We will communicate any cancellations or closings as quickly as possible. Posted 3/16/2020

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