Advertising Q & A Print





Where do I have to use the RVAR Generic Directional Sign?

In Roanoke County only!  But remember...NO DIRECTIONAL SIGNS of any kind  in Salem.  In all other areas you may use company directional signs, except in the public right-of-way.




How can I be sure that the “Professional Status” requirement is met in my advertising?

If your company name does not contain the words Realty, Real Estate, REALTOR or similar words, you MUST put them in your ads so that the public knows you are a real estate professional.




Can I run a personal promotion ad using only my name?

No, even if your ad does not offer real estate for sale or lease, but is for personal promotion only, you must still put the full name of the firm that holds your license in the ad.




Do I have to use the Fair Housing Logo in every single ad?

No, if the publication you are using has a Fair Housing disclaimer, you’re O.K., but be careful.  Remember you are always responsible for the content of your ads no matter who places them or where they run!




When I promote myself or property online, i.e., do I have to give my firm name?

Absolutely!  And you must always identify yourself as a REALTOR.  All the same rules apply to online ads as they do to other media plus, as online ads often cross state lines, you must also give your state of licensure, the city & state of the Firm's main office (or if applicable, the Firm's branch with which you are associated).  Also, don’t forget to update those online ads as the data changes.




Have the rules about using company directional signs changed?

No! You must still use ONLY the RVAR Generic Directional Signs in Roanoke County & no directional signs at all in Salem.  Your company directional signs may be used in other areas provided they do not violate the local sign ordinances.